MBE/EDGE Committee Meeting

MBE/EDGE Committee Meeting

 helbportal - Minutes
In attendance: Betty Anzaldua, Larry Burns, Meaghan Duricek, Shanda Gore, Victor Helb (Guest), Gary Johnson, Greg Jones, Kara Mominee, Dean Monske, Shaun Murray, Karl Parker, Jennifer Pastorek, Megan Reichert-Kral, Lorie Sarnes, Debbe Skutch, Don Stinson (Guest), Jacob Studer, Larry Sykes, Oona Temple, Mark Urrutia, Carter Wilson, Steve Wise, David Wood.
Mr. Burns welcomed all in attendance and guests: Mr. Don Stinson, EEO Contract Officer from the Ohio Department of Administrative Services Equal Employment Opportunity office and Mr. Victor Helb, sales intern for the Minority Business Development Center (MBDC).
Mr. Stinson thanked Mr. Burns and Dr. Gore for allowing the State space in the MBDC.
Dr. Gore reviewed the minutes from the September 14, 2010 meeting.
Dr. Gore reminded the committee to send Mr. Winston the names of programs and certifications that could benefit the Minority Contractors Lending Program. 
Mr. Parker stated that the Small Business Leadership Symposium and Golf Outing had been postponed and is now being held on November 5.
Mr. Burns updated the Committee on diversity initiatives at the University.
Mr. Burns stated that the University has committed to providing diversity training for all its employees on all three campuses.  For the hospital staff, he stated the training will be administered through web-based virtual modules. He stated that these modules will be developed through the UT Center for Creative Instruction and that the Committee will have an opportunity to see the finished product.  Live, face-to-face training will take place for the employees on main and scott park campuses.  He added that the training will begin in the UT Student Affairs and External Affairs divisions.
Mr. Parker asked if such comprehensive diversity training has ever taken place across the University.
Mr. Burns said that he believes that different departments in the University had implemented some diversity training, but that the efforts had not been comprehensive and were not on the scale of what is currently being planned.
Mr. Burns stated that Dr. Gore has become Chair of the President’s Council on Diversity.
Dr. Gore stated that the President’s Council on Diversity had hosted a luncheon for student leaders on campus on Friday October 8.  She stated that students spoke and interacted with UT President Lloyd Jacobs.  About twenty different student organizations were represented, and those student organizations were all concerned with how to attract more diverse students to their events.  This student subcommittee has arranged meetings and will be working together in the future.
Dr. Gore stated that all incoming students will be required to complete diversity modules that will teach students terminology and the University’s position on diversity.  These modules are called, Beginning the Academic Journey (BAJ).
Mr. Urrutia asked how students who are not involved in student groups will be represented on the Student Subcommittee. 
Dr. Gore stated that the Student Subcommittee will be looking for ways to reach out to the students who are not currently represented.
Mr. Burns stated that he does weekly video interviews that are posted to the MyUT portal called Tower Views.  This week, he stated that the video interview was with Mr. Bradley McDermitt, the president of Spectrum, the LGBT student group on campus.
Dr. Gore stated that the President’s Council on Diversity will be hosting a Brown-Bag event for faculty on November 3.  She added that this event is for junior faculty members focusing primarily on the process of completing different pieces for their dossiers/portfolios. 
Mr. Wood asked if there are many faculty of color within the University.
Dr. Gore said that there are a few within certain departments or colleges but as a whole, there is not much diversity among faculty members.  She added that this is a big reason that the President’s Council on Diversity is assisting colleges in recruiting diverse faculty. Dr. Wilson agreed with this statement.
Mr. Wood asked how the old system of recruiting faculty is being adjusted to attract more diverse faculty.
Mr. Burns stated that there are several ways that the system is being improved.  He stated that one of the members of the President’s Council on Diversity is establishing relationships with Historically Black Colleges in the US, but that he felt a larger initiative would be needed.
Dr. Wilson stated that both the Department of Biology and the College of Engineering had each recently hired an African-American faculty member.
Mr. Burns stated that Dr. Gore and Ms. Reichert-Kral are close to filling the position of Manager of the MBDC.  Dr. Gore stated that the committee is on their second round of interviews and expected to make a decision and do reference checks within the next two weeks.  She also thanked the Committee for offering recommendations.
Mr. Burns stated that he, Dr. Gore, Ms. Mominee, and Ms. Amelia Acuna, a diversity coordinator, attended a diversity conference in Columbus where he and Dr. Gore presented.
Mr. Burns stated that concerning the Minority Contractors Lending Program update, the University’s legal department has recently informed him that the $200,000 the University is planning on supplying will be restricted to the bonding process.  Mr. Burns stated that he will be working with Mr. Thomas Winston in discussing the program.
Mr. Burns stated that the Committee members were welcome to participate in any of the diversity initiatives he had discussed.  
Mr. Burns asked Ms. Sarnes to present the Construction Report Card.  Ms. Sarnes stated that they are required to have EDGE participation of 5% but that they committed to hiring 10%.  The percentage of EDGE participants that were hired is 10.4%.
Mr. Parker asked if the same MBE/EDGE companies are being hired multiple times or if they are hiring different companies. Ms. Sarnes stated that many companies often did work multiple times.
Mr. Wood asked if these companies were suppliers or if they were subcontracted.  Ms. Sarnes stated that this is not currently being tracked.
Mr. Studer stated that he had begun using the same program as The Ohio State University had presented at the last committee meeting.
Mr. Burns asked Ms. Sarnes if a Construction Manager (CM) had been selected for the Biosphere Demonstration Project yet.  Ms. Sarnes stated that one would be selected by the end of October.  Mr. Burns suggested that when the CM is hired, that they be invited to the committee meeting.
Action Item:  Ms. Mominee will invite the CM once they are hired, to the next committee meeting.

Mr. Burns stated that he thought it would be a good idea to host an event for MBE/EDGE businesses to share with them the process of doing business with The University of Toledo.  He suggested that each committee member invite two businesses.
Mr. Sykes asked how this event would be different from other events that have been held.  Mr. Burns stated that it will be a more targeted effort and will focus on networking and building relationships.
Mr. Burns stated that the MBE Procurement Policy has been posted to the website.  He added that he and Dr. Gore will review the suggestions, and that he would then discuss it with General Council.  He stated that by the next meeting, he would have the updated policy.
Mr. Burns asked Ms. Pastorek to provide an update on purchasing.
Ms. Pastorek stated that two new purchasing policies are being reviewed.  She added that her analyst was out of the office so she did not have all the data necessary for her report.
Mr. Burns stated that Ron Roberts, a Toledo minority businessman, developed a product for football players called Thundawear. Mr. Burns stated that the Rockets football team will be testing the ThundaWear caps and participating in research on its effectiveness. 
Dr. Gore stated that the City of Toledo Department of Public Utilities is hosting a reverse trade fair on November 1, 2010 from 8:45 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.   To register, please call 419-936-2338.
Mr. Burns thanked everyone for attending
The meeting concluded.

The next meeting will be held on November 9 at 12:00 p.m. in the Scott Park VIP room.
Please mark your calendars with the following 2010 MBE/EDGE Committee meeting date:   
November 9 at Noon
December 14 at Noon

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MBE/EDGE Committee Meeting
