voucher check

voucher check

voucher check - Definition
A specific type of check which includes a segment (known as the voucher) which details the reason or purpose for the check. The voucher would include explanations of the payment, such as “Payment for advertisement running April 1 - April 30” or “$300 for agreed upon fee, $50 for late payment”. The person or organization who receives the check detaches the voucher before cashing or depositing the check, and will often keep the voucher for their records
  Voucher Check

DEFINITION of 'Voucher Check'

A two-part combination of a check and voucher. Also known as a remittance advice, the voucher details the reason for the payment by the issuer of the check. The recipient of the voucher check detaches the voucher and retains it for record-keeping before cashing the check.

BREAKING DOWN 'Voucher Check'

Voucher checks that are used in computerized accounting systems have three parts that together fit on standard A4-sized sheets of paper for ease of use i
n printers. In addition to a check and voucher, a three-part voucher check has a check stub that is retained by the issuer. Perforations make the different sections easy to separate.
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voucher check

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